var tail = ('')
var br = ('')
alert("The next window will be your confirm.");
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('
Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.'+prtone+itall+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
// Function to put out confirm link-stay
function nojo() {
var nox = document.isop.asop.value
var cox = document.isop.ksop.value
var prtone = ('')
var tail = ('')
var br = ('')
alert("The next window will be your confirm.");
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.'+prtone+nox+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+cox+prtbb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
//Function to put out alert text
function makealrt() {
var goose = document.alrt.txt.value
alert("The next alert will be what yours will look like.");
var prtone = ('')
var tail = ('')
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('Insert the text below into your HTML to make the alert.